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Why Extra Self-Care Matters During a Busy Month

Christina Shaw

As a single mom in a blended family, with two school-aged girls and an insurance agency to run, I’ve grown accustomed to juggling a lot of responsibilities. Add to that the travel demands of my business and the whirlwind that comes with the start of the school year, and this month has shaped up to be a particularly busy one.


When my schedule feels like it's bursting at the seams, it's easy to let my self-care fall to the bottom of the list. But I've learned that in these high-demand seasons, it’s more important than ever to prioritize taking care of myself, for the sake of both my family and my business.


The Importance of Self-Care


As moms, especially single moms, we often feel like we have to be everything to everyone. It’s easy to forget that the person who really needs care in this mix is ourselves. I’ve noticed that when I neglect my well-being, it affects my energy, my mood, and ultimately my ability to handle the many challenges on my plate.


During this hectic month, I've had to remind myself that self-care isn't selfish. It's about making sure that I’m in the best physical, mental, and emotional state to manage the chaos of life.


Whether it's business travel, helping my girls adjust to their new school routines, or meeting the demands of my insurance agency, I can't show up fully for anyone if I'm running on empty.


Setting Boundaries and Saying No


One of the ways I've learned to practice self-care is by setting boundaries. It’s tempting to say yes to everything, especially when you want to ensure your business thrives and your kids are happy. But overcommitting is a fast track to burnout. Lately, I’ve given myself permission to say no to things that don’t align with my priorities, and it has been freeing.


Simple Self-Care Practices That Help


The idea of self-care sometimes feels overwhelming, as though it requires big, time-consuming activities. But I’ve found that even small, consistent habits can make a huge difference, especially during busy periods like this.


1.    Morning Routines for Mental Clarity


One thing I prioritize is having a quiet moment each morning before the day kicks into full gear. Whether it's enjoying a hot cup of coffee or spending ten minutes journaling, this small pocket of time allows me to clear my mind and set an intention for the day. It helps me stay focused, even when things get crazy later on.


2.    Taking Breaks to Recharge


When I’m in the thick of work or dealing with back-to-school chaos, it's tempting to just power through the day without stopping. But I've learned to embrace short breaks. Even just a five-minute walk outside or a quick meditation session helps me reset. These small moments of rest give me the energy to push through long work hours and late-night school prep.


3.    Exercise as Stress Relief


I don’t always have time for a full workout, but I’ve found that squeezing in even 20 minutes of movement can be a game changer. Whether it's a quick yoga session or a brisk walk around the block, exercise is my go-to stress reliever. It helps me stay grounded and reduces the tension that builds up from managing multiple responsibilities.


4.    Self-Compassion


Perhaps the most important form of self-care I’ve learned is self-compassion. There are days when everything doesn’t go as planned—maybe a client project goes sideways, or I forget a school deadline. Instead of beating myself up, I’ve learned to be kind to myself, acknowledge that I'm doing the best I can, and remind myself that it's okay if some things don’t go perfectly.



I have to admit that this month has been a bit overwhelming, but instead of viewing self-care as just another task to check off, I now see it as essential to my overall well-being.


Ultimately, self-care allows me to show up as the best version of myself for my business, my kids, and most importantly, for me.

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