In case you are wondering if I have changed my career and am no longer an Allstate agent, but instead, a branding consultant, you would be incorrect!
I remain dedicated to my agency and career and have learned that despite the incredible advantage that I have by being affiliated with such a well-recognized and respected company as Allstate, well-known for its values and mission, I also need my personal brand.
There are a lot of insurance agents and while I approach my work from a position of inclusivity, I also know that it is important to stand apart from the competition, and the best way to do that over and beyond providing excellent customer care, is to have a recognizable personal brand, and to use that as a key differentiator.
I believe that if you asked people about Christina Shaw this is what they would tell you:
Christina is:
1. Passionate and committed to her volunteer efforts and her family
2. Honest and forthright about juggling and successfully integrating her professional and personal lives
3. Knowledgeable and at the top of her game when it comes to insurance
4. Will bend over backwards and then some time to help the people in her world
5. A born educator
I think they’d also tell you about my hair. Yes, my hair.
It’s big, and gets mentioned a lot, and while I don’t mind, I am much prouder to be known for the 5 things mentioned above.
I’m an active networker, and post regularly on the social media platforms, and my personal brand resonates loud and clear.
Nurturing my personal brand has done wonders for my business, visibility, and networking results.
It’s also been fun to do, mostly because I am not trying to build something that isn’t true.
It’s me, all me, and that’s what a personal brand should be.